Prepare a sheet of parchment paper to fit on a sheet pan.
Draw four 4" hearts on the parchment paper 2 inches apart. Turn paper over and place on sheet pans.
Macerate Strawberries
Slice strawberries into ¼" slices. Place in a bowl.
Sprinkle 2 tablespoons sugar over the strawberries. Toss to coat.
Cover strawberries with a kitchen towel and place in refrigerator.
Pate a Choux
Preheat oven to 425° F
Combine water, butter and salt in a large saucepan. Place over medium-high heat. Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally.
Remove pan from the heat once it begins boiling. Add flour and stir until smooth.
Return pan to the heat and cook. Stir constantly until the paste dries slightly (it will begin pulling away from the sides of the pan).
Transfer the paste to the bowl of a stand-mixer. Using the paddle attachment, mix on the lowest speed to cool the paste slightly (about 1 minute).
Add the eggs while the mixer is still running. Increase the speed to medium and continue mixing until the eggs are absorbed and mixture is cooled (3- 4 minutes).
Pipe the Hearts Using the Pate a Choux Paste
Fit a pastry bag with a ¼" wide tube or star piping tip. Fill piping bag with Pate a Choux.
Hold the piping bag perpendicular and 1" above the drawn hearts on the paper. Pipe the Pate a Choux onto the parchment paper following the lines. Pipe another line around the outside of the first line. Pipe a third line in-between the two lines.
Bake for 6 minutes, rotate pan and bake an additional 6 minutes. The pastries should be well risen and golden brown on top.
Cool completely.
Assemble the Cream Puff Hearts
Slice off the top third of each heart pastry. Place the bottom on a serving dish.
Combine powdered sugar and heavy cream in a bowl. Whip until cream reaches stiff peaks. Transfer cream to a piping bag.
Pipe whipped cream rosettes around the bottom of the heart.
Place strawberries on top of the whipped cream. Drizzle juice from macerated strawberries over the whipped cream and strawberries.
Place top of heart over the bottom to create a sandwich. Press very lightly to secure.
Finish as desired (e.g. sprinkle with powdered sugar, drizzle with melted chocolate, etc...)